it'll be ya gong's birthday soon. on the 4th. 3rd's lawyer's birthday and 1st is koko's birthday. little black's birthday is on 22nd sept. and here goes..
Happy Birthday yagong, my bestest libran girlfriend *say with American twang*!! Thanks for the peals of roll-on-the-floor laughter, nuahey moments, other idiosyncrasies you'd brought into my life. Thank you for your non commital moments and siao on moments. hahaha.. despite all the mis timings, i still love that aspect of you.
Thank you for brightly offering me to teach me how to put make up! Haha, we still have to work on that! Thank you for teaching me how to save, how to reject people [as in how to say no to functions]. Thank you for editing my sec 3 and 4 compos, talking during mrs selvadurai's lessons and crossing her out everytime she comes into the class. Thank you for tolerating my tall ambitions and idiosyncrasies.
Thank you for sharing that you like Daniel Chan with me. Don't be embarrassed! i tell you i like nic tse in sec 4 also! hahaha. :P
i pray that God will eventually send you someone with a metal broom to sweep you off your feet and of course, you like and love and he vice versa very soon. ;) i pray that you'll be richly blessed with straight As and fantastic social life and of course, with all those hectic schedules good health and vibrant energy to last you through. i also pray that you'll find a peaceful mind and enjoy quiet time when you need it. i pray you'll live a meaningful life full of happy returns you want.
Happy Birthday!
Woah, Happy Birthday Lawyer! *grin* Thank you lawyer, for being there when my dad's in the hospital. been wanting to tell you that, but never had the chance. Thank you for being such a sincere friend, your once-in-a-while-how-are-you email, your spotaneous treats.
Really, i'd really appreciated them. Thank you for your dry humour and in-your-face opinions and prep talks. You know i needed those. THAT is what a true friend is for. To reflect all your faults and strengths. :~) [that's tears of joy silly, not pi sai] thank you for pretending to be amused at my idiosyncrasies.
i pray you'll have a swell wonderful year ahead man, and that you'll be well on your way to a flashy car - a sport audi [if that's the car you still want. hahaa], bevy of ladies around you, cash raining on you wherever you go and still date those ladies whose receiving huge amount of alimonies from their tycoon husbands. erm. hahaha.. just kidding lah. yah.. have a great happy casanovic year ahead and may your readings be done in a flash and nothing lesser than an A- in your results. Have fun my friend. infect the rest with your motivation yah?
Thank you and happy 22nd birthday. ;)
heya little black, Happy Birthday! hope all your birthday wishes come true yah? thank you for bringing joy into my going-to-be-adult life. so sian, going to be da ren. thank you for teaching me how to be resilient. thank you for sharing with me some of your problems. jia you. i'll support you as much as i can. emotionally, physically, psychologically, my bed, my computer, toothbrush whatever i can.
i pray you'll find comfort in God, in your friends and family. i pray you'll have an exciting time in sanda and wushu. Girl, you're good. realise that potential. Happy belated birthday. =)
Here's to koko, the "undisputed maggie mee killer on ***** reservoir".
Thank you for your down-to-earthiness which i find really inspiring and being my talk cock friend. Thank you for being crappy with me. its really funny no matter how mundane. hur hur.. :) your dedication to the sport itself is really inspiring as well. may you bring more gold back to sg in due course and remember to grin your dimples to death. i pray you'll find your jun jy heon soon and stop sending me pictures of her. i would rather you send me pictures of won bin. wahhaa or zhang dong jian. eh, anyway, i digress. Happy Birthday. Really. ;)
*party music trails..*