Wednesday, January 04, 2006

NKF and Internal Affairs spoof ::

check this out? NKF Spoof. Haha..
Starring Tony Leung, Andy Lau and Kelly Chen plus others..

Come to think of it, Internal Affairs.. what an apt name..

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

before i knew it ::

ooh.. its a roller coastersy life for the year 2005. and before i knew it, its 2006 already!! i was like feeling so relieved and a little wiser (i hope) for the new year. lotsa of things happened. funny, dangerous, mundane stuff and well, i should say lots of things happened to my friends.. i tell you man, my friends totally make my life interesting with their happening lives.

2005 scored a lot of firsts for me!
like i dyed my hair.
i lost 3 phones
i lost my ic (which is good, cos i get to replaced it with a more glam picture! :P)
i clubbed more often (that was my 2004 resolutions)
i closed my first deal. *yay*
i went thoroughly broke
i popped into tanglin police station. (ma chiam james bond)
i was followed by a PI
i wore a bikini (?!!) i couldn't believe myself too.
i patted a husky!!
i got kicked out of my cg! :P okay lah.. im dramatizing it.
i performed wushu as a graduate.
i went to "the rock" for 2 sundays (and was thoroughly appalled by the sermon *yucks*)
etc etc

i don't know, but these stuff may sounded like bad experiences but allow me to cheerfully tell you that im sure i learnt a lot and grew a lot this year and am very grateful to some of my friends for the help and injections on wisdom.

And it was a sure a spiritually dry season for me. but 2006 will no more be spiritually dry... i WILL BE EMPOWERED BY THE SPIRIT of THE LIVING GOD!!

*ah doo gen!*

okay okay,

things/resolutions/goals to do for the new year
1. plan a personal bugdet
2. plan for business
3. rebond my hair before new year
4. be more fashionable :P i.e wear more skirts. acquire "sae"
5. learn how to drive by 3rd quarter of the year
6. learn how to cook simple nutritious meals
7. learn ASP.Net or C++
8. read more
9. travel more... i hope our plans materialize...
10. get an PDA/laptop
11. be DISCERNING and calm and Da Fang... Big Square!
12. be punctual
13. go to church every sunday.

okay okay.. sounds like a lot already...sounds busy. hahaha.. shall blog more...