ooh.. its a roller coastersy life for the year 2005. and before i knew it, its 2006 already!! i was like feeling so relieved and a little wiser (i hope) for the new year. lotsa of things happened. funny, dangerous, mundane stuff and well, i should say lots of things happened to my friends.. i tell you man, my friends totally make my life interesting with their happening lives.
2005 scored a lot of firsts for me!
like i dyed my hair.
i lost 3 phones
i lost my ic (which is good, cos i get to replaced it with a more glam picture! :P)
i clubbed more often (that was my 2004 resolutions)
i closed my first deal. *yay*
i went thoroughly broke
i popped into tanglin police station. (ma chiam james bond)
i was followed by a PI
i wore a bikini (?!!) i couldn't believe myself too.
i patted a husky!!
i got kicked out of my cg! :P okay lah.. im dramatizing it.
i performed wushu as a graduate.
i went to "the rock" for 2 sundays (and was thoroughly appalled by the sermon *yucks*)
etc etc
i don't know, but these stuff may sounded like bad experiences but allow me to cheerfully tell you that im sure i learnt a lot and grew a lot this year and am very grateful to some of my friends for the help and injections on wisdom.
And it was a sure a spiritually dry season for me. but 2006 will no more be spiritually dry... i WILL BE EMPOWERED BY THE SPIRIT of THE LIVING GOD!!
*ah doo gen!*
okay okay,
things/resolutions/goals to do for the new year
1. plan a personal bugdet
2. plan for business
3. rebond my hair before new year
4. be more fashionable :P i.e wear more skirts. acquire "sae"
5. learn how to drive by 3rd quarter of the year
6. learn how to cook simple nutritious meals
7. learn ASP.Net or C++
8. read more
9. travel more... i hope our plans materialize...
10. get an PDA/laptop
11. be DISCERNING and calm and Da Fang... Big Square!
12. be punctual
13. go to church every sunday.
okay okay.. sounds like a lot already...sounds busy. hahaha.. shall blog more...