boring day ::
today's such a slow day that i woke up in the middle of the day, did a half piece of AB flyer, went online for the longest time, fell asleep immediately after having dinner and am up again now, and came online again.
eh, i didn't know how to descibe a day like this. is this sedentary or what? i'd just wasted the whole day away.. literally.
was reading through the classified, perhaps i really ought to get a proper job. honestly, i think i'd some sort of improvement over the past year in disciplining myself. but i think i need to work on it even more.
well, you should be able to tell that im obviously not too happy with myself. and i think i probably will regret it. maybe i shouldn't even blog it down lest i regret it. whhahahaa.. im such a contridiction.
the ony comforting thing which happened today was.. i heard from jewel that my sec sch crush whom i thought was attached is actually single!!!! whahahhaa.. :P
wait wait wait.. i got a picture of him!

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